Standard Echo Protocol Sample

     At my externship site, protocols are done here on GE's Vivid E9 & Vivid Q. Since they offer excellent post processing features and a nice live capture of the heart's structures (by hitting the "image store" button twice)- we usually do additional measurements post-test to save time. 
     This protocol is in an abbreviated format, assuming that you are well versed in your echo views. I also divided the protocol into (9) sequences that can be followed in numerical order- hoping there's something here to help tweak your "diagnostic" capabilities.

"PLAX" (1)

- 2D image

- M-mode AV, MV, & LV

- "2D M-mode" measurements
    + Diastole:
         > RVIDd
         > IVSd
         > LVIDd
         > LVPWd 
    + Systole:
         > LVIDs
         > LA Diam.     

- Color on MV

- Color on AO
    + Zoom on AO
        > Meas. LVOT
        > Meas. AO Diam. (...widest point of Sinus)

"RVIT" (2)

- 2D image

- Color on TV
    + CW, meas. peak velocity*



                                                     *If necessary

"PSAX" (3)

- 2D images at the MV, LV, & Apex Levels 
                (..make sure Post. Wall is visualized)

- 2D image of AV Level
    + Color on AO
    + Color on PV
        > CW, meas. peak velocity*
    + Color on TV
        > CW, meas. peak velocity*

- IAS Zoom, check for shunts

                                                            *If necessary

"4-CHAMBER" (4)

- 2D image 

- Color on MV
    > PW on MV
    > Meas. E, A, & dec. time
    > CW on MV, show peak vel.

- TVI (Tissue Doppler) w/ cursor @ lateral wall:
    > 2D Image
    > Meas. E'

- 2D "Biplane/Simpson's" method
    + Diastole:
        > LV
    + Systole:
        > LV, LA

"5-CHAMBER" (5)

- 2D image

- Color on AV
    + PW, trace LVOT (V1 for the continuity equation.)
    + CW, trace LVOT (V2 for the continuity equation.)

* With an LVOT meas. from PLAX, you can obtain AVA using the continuity equation.

"2-CHAMBER" (6)

- 2D image (2X, for biplane calc.)

- Color on MV
    + CW, meas. peak velocity*

- 2D "Biplane/Simpson's" method
    + Diastole:
        > LV
    + Systole:
        > LV, LA                                                        
                                                            *If necessary

"3-CHAMBER" (7)

- 2D image

- Color on AV
    + CW, meas. peak velocity*

                                                            *If necessary


- 2D image

- Color on IVC
    + Evaluate "sniff" response. Note hepatic vein flow reversal.

- Color between IAS/IVS
     + Evaluate shunts (if any) between chambers.


- 2D image

- Color on outflow
    + CW, meas. peak velocity*

                                                                                                                                                    *If necessary


PLAX= Parasternal Long-Axis View
RVIT= Right Ventricular Inflow Tract 
    (Observing flow through the tricuspid valve. The transducer is "looking down".)
PSAX= Parasternal Short-Axis View